Mr. Ting Yin Yung was the vanguard of the modern style of Chinese art. He has now long been famous internationally. Mr. Ting was educated in Japan. When he returned from there he joined other artists in forming the Chinese College of Art which did a lot to foster the subject. Exhibitions were held in Shanghai to familiarise Chinese people with new forms of the art. This introduced a touch of realism and surrealism into Chinese art. Later Mr. Ting taught in the Szechwan College of Art. Many well-known modern Chinese arsists studied under Mr. Ting. When an exhibition was held in Paris of the work of Matthis and Piccasio, Mr. Ting was asked to show some of his work to make the exhibition both western and oriental. Besides painting. Mr. Ting has studied old Chinese art forms and he has a fine collection of ancient Chinese seals, some of which are shown on this page.